Trump must think his supporters are too stupid to know why they support him, so has to tell them why.
The Trump campaign recently created a website which is a guide to “How To Win An Argument With Your Liberal Relatives.” The URL address is…wait for it…
ICYMI, snowflake is a pejorative moniker for all the commie-pinko, socialist, left wing, radical, treasonous libtards sometimes known as never-Trumpers. Or put another way, anybody who criticizes Trump. It’s a typical ad hominem frequently used by Trump. (attack the messenger)
And consider this:
In addition, the talking points are simple generalizations. Because of this simplicity, a simple “why?” could shut down the argument. Why? Because if you have to be told what to say, more than likely, you have no idea why.
Read more “How To Insult The Intelligence Of Your Supporters”