Sliced Bread, My Ass

A Facebook friend of mine, who rarely posts anything political, did just that to get a reaction from her friends. It was something about Trump. One of the comments was: Donald Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread.” Really?
I have a long rebuttal in Documents that I wrote to counter any comments from Trumokins. I copied and pasted this in the thread. It starts out,

“Donald Trump is the worse thing to happen to this country since the Civil War.”

It then goes on to list a lot of the the crap Trump has done or said. I later realized that I wrote it over a year ago. So I brought it up to date. It goes:

Donald Trump is the worse thing to happen to this country since the Civil War.

He is a pathological liar, a sociopath, a megalomaniac, a racist, a bully, a con man, a misogynist, a sexual predator and a thrice married adulterer. He is vindictive, petulant, mean-spirited and morally bankrupt.
He is manifestly incompetent and unfit to hold the office of POTUS.
His bigoted policies and rhetoric have divided this country more than at anytime in the last 150 years.

* His Zero Tolerance policy separated thousands of children from their parent(s) at the southern border and put them in CAGES!!!!. This was an international disgrace and a borderline human rights violation. It was immoral and evil. The trauma inflicted on these children will affect them for the rest of their lives!
Additionally, Trump repeatedly lied, blaming the Democrats, that he was merely following the law and could do nothing to stop it. There was NO law on the books to separate.

* Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is doing everything but protecting the environment, It has rolled back 58 Obama era regulations and is in the process of overturning 37 more. The most recent regulation targeted will roll back an Obama-era regulation meant to limit the leaching of heavy metals like arsenic, lead and mercury into water supplies from the ash of coal-fired power plants. Trump’s rationale: these regulations place an undue burden on big business.
It is despicable that he would put the welfare of big business before the health of the American people.

* He has claimed climate change is a Chinese hoax and announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord thereby abdicating our country’s leadership in developing
alternative energy sources (more U.S. jobs). This denial is driving the EPA roll backs. The Administration has removed the words “climate change” from several official government websites.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that global warming is a fact, Trump refused to accept a report from The Fourth National Climate Assessment, a government agency, and said, “I don’t believe it.”

* He said some neo-Nazis were “fine people”, all Haitians have AIDs, Mexican immigrants are “criminals and rapists”, Nigerians won’t go back to living in their huts, Salvadorans, Haitians, all people from Africa come from “shithole countries” and supported a pedophile for the US Senate. He told four U.S. Congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from; three of whom are natural born U.S. citizens.

* Ignoring the risk of violent consequences and escalation of hostilities in the Middle East, he ordered the assassination of Qassem Soleimani with little to no evidence that he was planning an imminent attack on U.S. assets. Then lying about any evidence of it or that there were NO U.S. casualties from an Iranian missile reprisal attack. The Pentagon later confirmed that nearly 90 military personnel suffered concussions or other head trauma. Trump called the injuries “headaches.”

Even Bush and Obama declined any opportunity to take down Soleimani on the fact that the risk for retaliation was too high. Bush had an excellent opportunity in 2007.
While one cannot lay the blame directly on Trump, due to heightened tensions in the region, Iran’s military accidentally shot down Ukraine International Airlines Flight 762 killing all 176 people on board. This never would have happened if Soleimani was not assassinated.

* Trump pulled the U.S. out of the JPCOA aka Iran nuke deal against the consensus of the other nation signatories, France, Germany, the U.K. China and Russia. The JPCOA was working despite Trump’s and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s lies saying otherwise. Iran has announced that it will no longer abide by the restrictions of the JPCOA and will resume uranium enrichment above the levels of the deal. Way to go, Donald.

* He pulled U.S. troops out of Syria leaving our faithful allies, the Kurds, vulnerable to a murderous attack from the Turks. The blood of the Kurds who died in this needless and unnecessary foreign policy blunder is on the hands of the president.

* He appointed his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a Baltimore slum lord with NO experience in foreign policy whatsoever. to negotiate peace in the Middle East. This is a joke!
Kushner’s business interests in Saudi Arabia represents a conffict of interest.
He kicked the Palestinian envoys out of Washington, endorsed Israel’s violation of international law by recognizing Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights as legitimate and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. The consequence of these blunders is to effectively render any two-state peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians unattainable even for the likes of Jared Kushner. The Palestinians have made it known that they will not sit at any negotiating table with any Americans.
His recent peace proposal is insulting because nobody bothered to ask the Palestinians for input.

* He shut down the government for a record 35 days over funding for a ridiculous
border wall that Mexico was going to pay for and is now “stealing” money from the military. Money, some of which was designated to the construction of schools for military dependents. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) recently divulged that smugglers had used a common tool to cut through replacement sections that were of the new design touted by Trump. The tool was a reciprocating saw (sawzall) that can be purchased at any Home Depot or Loew’s.

* The economy is anything but great. For most of us, the economy is anywhere from middling to a daily struggle to make ends meet. People are working two to three jobs to get by, wages are essentially flat, and layoffs are on the uptick. – Source The Daily Beast, “When Donald Trump Brags About the Economy, Here’s What Democrats Should Say”
By economy, does Trump mean the stock market? But the stock market or DOW is NOT an indicator of the economy. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is. The current third quarter 2019 GDP is 2.1% down from 2.4% for 2017. (these numbers indicate the percentage of increase) But remember that trump promised during his campaign, “We’re bringing it (the GDP) from 1% up to 4%. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.” LOL Never happened.

The tax cuts have failed to produce. In fact, more than 60% of the tax savings went to people in the top 20% of the income ladder, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. The measure also slashed the corporate tax rate by 40%. The top 1 percent will ultimately receive over 80 percent of the benefits of the Trump/GOP 2017 tax cut.
According to Forbes, 465 of the Fortune 500 companies plowed a record ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of their Tax Cut into stock buy backs. The result: inflated stock prices and higher dividends. Oh, and most Americans do NOT own stocks. Robert Reich, former Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton, wrote for The Guardian that almost 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
“It was unbelievable at the time, and it’s proven to be absolutely untrue,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “The tax cuts were never going to — and have not — come anywhere close to paying for themselves.”
“Not surprising, if you cut taxes, you get less in revenues,” MacGuineas said. “And what we’ve been doing at the same time is we’ve been increasing spending. And no surprise, our deficit has exploded.”
The federal deficit this year alone (2019) was $984 billion — an extraordinary figure at a time when the country is not mired in recession or widespread war. Long time advocates of less and more responsible spending, the GOP has been anything but. The 2017 Tax Cut Bill will add approximately another ONE TRILLION to the deficit.
Who the hell is going to pay for this?

* Trump continually rejects the conclusion of every U.S. intelligence agency that Russia meddled in the 2016 election; then, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, accepted Putin’s denial and said he doesn’t see why it “would be (Russia).” Many Americans felt that his defense of Russia was treasonous. FYI, Putin is old school KGB and is laughing his ass off over Trump’s ignorance.
Trump is guiding the DOJ and AG William Barr to discredit The Mueller Report concerning Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and the upcoming November election.
The Mueller Report concluded, “Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” (Vol. II, Page 2) This fact was completely omitted by Attorney General William Barr’s biased four page summary of the report. In addition, the DOJ’s Inspector General’s Report determined that there was sufficient evidence in July 2016 to lawfully open the investigation, and officials followed procedures in using informants to approach campaign aides.

* He asked the leader of a foreign country to dig up dirt on a political rival and to admit that Russia was not involved in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) server. This despite the fact that the Mueller Report and the U.S. intelligence community said that Russia did. Fiona Hill, who previously served as the top Russia policy official on the National Security Council thoroughly debunked any idea that it was actually Ukraine that hacked the DNC. She warned members of Congress NOT to spread this “fictitious narrative” as it would only empower Russia and weaken the credibility of the U.S. Intelligence community.

* He labels the press the “enemy of the people.” There is NOTHING more dangerous to a democracy than to attack and attempt to destroy the freedom of the press. “Fake news” and “alternative facts” are ridiculous shots to “kill the messenger.”

* Seven people who either worked for the Trump campaign or worked in the White House have been convicted or pleaded guilty of lying to Federal Investigators, a felony. The lies, which are an obstruction of justice, hindered the Mueller Investigation in determining any factual collusion by the Trump campaign.

* HE WAS IMPEACHED for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress. He will never be unimpeached. This will be the legacy of his tenure as President. But he was acquitted you say. So was OJ Simpson. This acquittal does not exonerate him from the fact that he has, did and will continue to violate his Oath of Office. The sycophantic Republican Senators who voted to acquit violated their oath to be impartial jurors.